Eye Rule ME

...and You Rule You!

Crown Rock
We are stardust...

The universe is filled with REAL magic... especially ours! Through honest scientific exploration we find more all the time!

WE are the most magical beings we know of.

We've never found another living thing that even comes close to the natural powers we have.

Wield your power wiseley

We're made of atoms which, when split, create more power than we can control. Remember.

Your magical flash in time is just as important as theirs.

Don't let anyone waste any portion of your most priceless resource - time!


Eye Rule Me

  • You, and only you are the ruler of your life.

  • You don’t owe anyone an explanation for any of your choices.

  • It doesn’t matter what someone else’s opinion of you is. They will only ever see things from their perspective. They aren’t living your life.

  • Don’t let your fear of other’s opinions dictate how you live your life. They aren’t in your shoes. Even if they do think something negative about you in passing, who cares what they think?! Why do their thoughts matter? They aren’t you! They don’t know everything about you that led to the current moment. Their opinion of you means nothing.

  • Live your life for you! Do what makes you happy. Not what makes that person over there happy. Or that one. Or that one. They can make their life the way they want it. Your life is yours.

  • Hold on to your power. Do not give it away to anyone. Just as you cannot control the actions or thoughts of other people, don’t let other people control your actions or thoughts either.

  • Always remember this: EYE RULE ME!

Just be happy, be kind and be you! Read this as many times as you need, as often as you need.

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